
Se Hyeon Kim


What is Partition? Partition은 RDDs나 Dataset을 구성하고 있는 최소 단위 객체이다. 각 Partition은 서로 다른 노드에서 분산 처리된다. Spark에서는 하나의 최소 연산을 Task라고 표현하는데, 이 하나의 Task에서 하나의 Partition이 처리된다. 또한, 하나의 Task는 하나의 Core가 연산 처리한다. 즉, 1 Core = 1 Task = 1 Partition이다. 예를 들어, 다음과 같다면 전체 Core 수를 300개로 세팅한 상태이고, 이 300개가 현재 실행 중인 Task 수이자, 현재 처리 중인 Partition 수에 해당한다. 또한, 전체 Partition 수는 1800개로 세팅했으며, 이는 전체 Task 수이기도 하다.


Introduction Spark’s execution hierarchy, from top to bottom is Job, Stage, Task. Slots are part of executors. A task is executed in a slot. But slots are rather a tool to execute tasks, not part of the execution hierarchy itself. Executors are a component of a Spark cluter, but not of the execution hierarchy. Hardware Hierarchy Cluster Driver Executor Cores / Slots: Each executor can be considered as servers and they have cores.


Execution plan goal An execution plan is the set of operations executed to translate a query language statement (SQL, Spark SQL, Dataframe operations etc.) to a set of optimized logical and physical operations. Execution plan is a set of operations that will be executed from the SQL(or Spark SQL) statement to the DAG which will be send to Spark Executors. Info DAG? Directed Acyclic Graph. A DAG is an acyclic graph produced by the DAG scheduler in Spark.


Partition Pruning in Spark In standard database pruning means that the optimizer will avoid reading files that cannot contain the data that you are looking for. For example, 1 2 3 SELECT * FROM students WHERE subject = 'English'; In this simple query, we are trying to match and identify records in the Students table that belong to subject English. This translates into a simple form that is a filter on top of a scan which means whole data gets scanned first and then filtered out according to the condition.


Introduction Transformations are operations on RDDs, Dataframes, or Dataset, that produce new RDDs, Dataframes, or Datasets. Transformations are lazy evaluated, which means they are not executed until an action is called. Spark uses transformation to build a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) of computation that represents the sequence of steps required to compute the final result. Transformations can be categorized as either Narrow or Wide based on whether their dependency on input data partitions.


DataFrame Transformations Selecting Columns Renaming Columns Change Columns data type Adding Columns to a DataFrame Removing Columns from a DataFrame Basics Arithmetic with DataFrame Apache Spark Architecture: DataFrame Immutability How to filter a DataFrame Apache Spark Architecture: Narrow Transformations Dropping Rows How to Drop rows and columns Handling NULL Values I - Null Functions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dfn = customerDf.selectExpr( "salutation", "firstname", "lastname", "email_address", "year(birthdate) birthyear" ) salutation firstname lastname email_address birthyear null James null james@efsefa.